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normality, normalcy, natural, normal

Auslan SignbankDictionary#1567 FS:NN(NORMAL-NATURAL)1a
#auslan-signbank #lexis.fingerspell #phonology.dominant-hand-only #phonology.two-handed #semantic.quality
As a Noun: 1. The situation in which everything is normal and as people expect. English = normality, normalcy. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To be what happens or is the case because it is part of the usual processes of life and has little or nothing to do with changes made by humans. English = (be) natural. 2. To be a part of someone's personality without them acting or changing themselves in any way. English = (be) natural. 3. To be usual and ordinary, and what people expect. English = (be) normal.