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bequest, inheritance, will (bequeath), bequeath, inherit

Auslan SignbankDictionary#4362 bequeath-inherit
#auslan-signbank #iconicity.obscure #morph.directional-sign #phonology.onehand
As a Noun: 1. Money or property that someone gives to someone else after they die, or money or property that someone receives after someone else has died. 2. Money or property that someone gives to someone else after they die. Formal English = bequest. 3. Money or property that someone is given by someone who dies. English = inheritance. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To give or leave your money or property to someone when you die, or to receive money or property from someone after they have died. 2. To legally state that someone should have your money or property when you die. English = will. Formal English = bequeath. 3. To be given or left money or property by someone who has died. English = inherit.