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canapes, hors d'ouvres

Auslan SignbankDictionary#5156 canapes
#auslan-signbank #described #phonology.two-handed #semantic.cooking #semantic.education #workflow.problematic
General Definition: 1. Small items are placed on a circular object, such as food portions on a plate. As a Noun: 1. Small servings of food that may be served prior to the course of a meal, typically eaten in one bite/mouthful. English = canapes Note: 1. There appears to be no commonly used Auslan sign for CANAPES (but some signers represent this visually using these depicting signs, once they have established the topic). If you know a sign for CANAPES used by you or other Auslan users (deaf people or interpreters) please go to "Report missing sign" and supply details. Thank you.