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centre, central

Auslan SignbankDictionary#4703 centre1a
#auslan-signbank #phonology.dominant-hand-only #phonology.two-handed
As a Noun: 1. The middle of something. English = centre. 2. In geometry, the point that is equally distant from every point on the circumference of a circle or sphere. English = centre. 3. A building where people have meetings, get help of some kind, or take part in a particular activity. English = centre. 4. In rugby football, one of the two middle players in the three-quarter line. English = centre. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To be in the middle of a place or area. English = (be) central. 2. Of a place, to be easy to reach because it is in the centre of a city. English = (be) central.