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crankiness, grumpiness, grouchiness, grump, grouch, irritability, cranky, cross, grumpy, grouchy, irritable, disagreeable

Auslan SignbankDictionary#1746 cranky
#auslan-signbank #iconicity.obscure #lexis.signed-english #phonology.onehand #semantic.feel #semantic.health
As a Noun: 1. The feeling of being ill-tempered or angry. English = crankiness. 2. The feeling of being bad-tempered and rather miserable. English = grumpiness. Informal English = grouchiness. 3. A person who is bad-tempered and rather miserable. English = grump. Informal English = grouch. 4. 3. The state of being easily annoyed. English = irritability. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To be ill-tempered or angry. English = (be) cranky, (be) cross. 2. To be bad-tempered and rather miserable. English = (be) grumpy. Informal English = (be) grouchy. 3. To be easily annoyed. English = (be) irritable, (be) disagreeable. 4. To pull a face in displeasure at something.