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delay, prolongation, dawdling, prolong, delayed, prolonged, protracted, dawdle, tarry, long time

Auslan SignbankDictionary#3205 delay
#auslan-signbank #iconicity.obscure #lexis.signed-english #phonology.dominant-hand-only #phonology.double-handed
As a Noun: 1. The start of an event later than was expected. English = delay. 2. An extension in the time it usually takes to do something. English = delay, prolongation. 3. The act of taking your time and spending more time than is necessary to do something or go somewhere. English = dawdling. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To make something happen later than expected, or to make something take longer to happen than expected. English = delay, prolong. 2. To be made to happen later than expected, or to be made to take longer to happen than expected. English = (be) delayed, (be) prolonged, (be) protracted. 3. To spend more time than is necessary doing something or going somewhere. English = dawdle, tarry. 4. To brush something to one side and ignore it until a later time.