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thirst, wish, attraction, thirsty, desire, covet, desirable, horny, sexy, randy

Auslan SignbankDictionary#2417 desire
#auslan-signbank #lexis.signed-english #phonology.onehand #semantic.drink #semantic.physical-act
As a Noun: 1. The need to drink something. English = thirst. 2. The feeling of wanting something very much. English = desire. 3. The strong feeling of wanting to have sex with someone. English = desire, randiness, attraction. Idiomatic English = the hots. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To feel the need to drink something. English = (be) thirsty. 2. To want something to happen, even though you know that it may not be possible or is unlikely. English = wish. 3. To want something very much. English = desire, covet. 4. To have a strong feeling of wanting to have sex with someone. Formal English = desire, (be) lascivious. Informal English = (be) randy, (be) horny. Idiomatic English = have the hots for, (be) keen on. 5. To arouse strong sexual feelings in others. English = (be) desirable, (be) sexy.