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digression, aside, detour, diversion, digress, divert, distract, distracted

Auslan SignbankDictionary#2947 digress
#auslan-signbank #corpus.attested #phonology.dominant-hand-only #phonology.two-handed
As a Noun: 1. A move away from the subject you are talking or writing about. English = digression, aside. 2. A route which is not the shortest way from one place to another. You often do this because you want to avoid a traffic jam, because the direct route is closed for some reason, or because you want to see the sights. English = detour. 3. A change in the course or destination of something, especially a telephone call. English = diversion. 4. Something that takes your attention away from what you are doing. English = distraction. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To move away from the subject you are talking or writing about and talk or write about something different for a while. English = digress. Idiomatic English = get off the point, go off the point, get sidetracked, go off the topic. 2. To make a detour. 3. To change the course or destination of something, especially a telephone call. English = divert. 4. To make someone stop concentrating on what they are doing. English = distract. 5. Of someone, to be made by something or someone else to stop concentrating on what they are doing. English = (be) distracted.