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false, falsehood, fake, forgery, imitation, copy, impostor, forged, forge, imitate, artificial, deceive, betray

Auslan SignbankDictionary#4715 fake1a
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As a Noun: 1. A statement that is not true. English = falsehood. 2. Something that is made to look like something valuable or real in order to deceive people. English = fake, forgery, imitation, copy. 3. A person who dishonestly pretends to be someone else in order to get something they want. English = impostor. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To be based not on facts or on things that really have happened but on things which are invented. English = (be) false. 2. To be made to look like something valuable or real in order to deceive people. English = (be) fake, (be) forged. 3. To make something look like something valuable or real in order to deceive people. English = fake, forge, imitate, copy. 4. To be not natural and exist or happen only because people have created it. English = (be) artificial. 5. To deliberately make someone believe something that is not true, especially after assuring them that you will be honest with them. English = deceive, betray, turn against someone.