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finish, complete (finish), finished, done

Auslan SignbankDictionary#1865 finish.five1a
#auslan-signbank #iconicity.opaque #phonology.double-handed #phonology.symmetrical #workflow.redo-video
As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To make or do the last part of something so that there is no more for you to do. English = finish, complete. 2. To have made or done the last part of something so that there is no more for you to do. English = (be) finished, (be) complete, (be) done. 3. To cease to be involved or interested in something. Idiomatic English = (be) done with. Interactive: 1. Used alone to mean something under discussion has been done and that there is no more to do. English = 'It's finished!', 'I'm done!', 'I've finished!', 'That's that, then!', 'All done!', and so on. 2. Used alone, often with an expression of surprise, to mean that something has been done and completed before the time that was expected. English = 'Already!?' Note: 1. This sign is often made with just one hand.