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finish, completion, complete (finish), finished, competed

Auslan SignbankDictionary#3573 finish.good1b
#auslan-signbank #lexis.varlex #phonology.double-handed #phonology.symmetrical #workflow.redo-video
As a Noun: 1. The end or last part of something. English = finish. 2. The end or last part of something when it has all the parts that it should have. English = completion. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To make or do the last part of something so that there is no more to do or so that it has all the parts that it should have. English = finish, complete; (be) finished, (be) completed. As Modifier: 1. Often used next to a main verb to mean that the action of the main verb was finished or completed before another action or time. English = has, have, had (as in ‘has done, ‘have done, ‘had done). 2. Usually used at the beginning of a sentence to mean that the action in that sentence happens after the action in the previous sentence, especially after it has completely ended. English = then, after that. Note: 1. The sign can also be made with just one hand. Using just one hand can make the meaning ‘weaker’ or less emphatic.