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wings, fly (flap wings), fly (insect), flap, winger (sport), bat (animal), angel, fairy

Auslan SignbankDictionary#2633 fly1a
#auslan-signbank #iconicity.transparent #lexis.gensign #lexis.signed-english #phonology.double-handed #phonology.symmetrical #semantic.animal
General Definition: 1. The action of beating or flapping wings, or any real or imagined creature that is able to fly or, especially, the body parts with which they fly. As a Noun: 1. The two parts of the body of some animals, insects and birds that are used for flying. English = wings. 2. In football or hockey, an attacking player who plays mainly on the far left or the far right of the pitch. English = winger. 3. Spiritual being, often represented as humans with wings, that some people believe are God's messengers and servants in heaven. English = angel. 4. A small insect with two wings. English = fly. 5. A small flying animal that looks like a mouse with leathery wings and flys at night. English = bat. [Used this way mostly in the Northern Territory, especially in the area around Darwin. Most Auslan signers, however, would also need to fingerspell B-A-T alone or immediately after making this sign in order to be clear about their intended meaning.] As a Verb or Adjective: 1. Of animals, birds and insects, to travel through the air by using wings. English = fly, wing. 2. Of animals, birds and insects, to move wings up and down. English = flap.