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fuel pump

Auslan SignbankDictionary#5107 fuel-pump.INSERT
#auslan-signbank #described #phonology.two-handed #semantic.car #semantic.education
General Definition: 1. A representation of somethng being injected into a round object, such as a fuel line or hose. As a Noun: 1. The device in an engine that moves petrol from the petrol tank to the engine. English = fuel pump. Note: 1. There appears to be no commonly used Auslan sign for FUEL PUMP for most signers (but some signers represent this visually using these depicting signs, once they have established the topic). If you know a sign for FUEL PUMP used by you or other Auslan users (deaf people or interpreters) please go to "Report missing sign" and supply details. Thank you. 2. Source of this recommended sign: Victorian College for the Deaf