General Definition:
1. You can use this sign to refer to a surface which is not sloping or curved and with no parts higher than any other, or any thing directly, indirectly or metaphorically associated with this. This sign is very general in its meaning and what it actually means at any time varies from context to context. However, it is most commonly associated with the things listed under 'as a noun', below.
2. You can use this sign to refer to any action directly, indirectly or metaphorically associated with moving your hands apart or across a surface. This sign is very general in its meaning and what it actually means at any time varies from context to context. However, it is most commonly associated with the actions or qualities listed under 'as a verb or adjective', below
As a Noun:
1. A flat piece of wood, metal, or glass, attached to a wall or the sides of a cupboard, used for keeping things on; a narrow, flat place along the bottom edge of a window or in the side of a mountain or cliff. English = shelf; ledge.
2. A piece of furniture with a flat top that you put things one. English = table.
As a Verb or Adjective:
1. Of a surface, to be everywhere the same distance from the ground and not sloping or curved or to have no raised parts. English = (be) flat, (be) level.