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integration, integration (mathematics), mainstreaming, merger, integrate, integrate (mathematics), mainstream, merge

Auslan SignbankDictionary#1979 integrate
#auslan-signbank #lexis.signed-english #phonology.double-handed #phonology.symmetrical #semantic.education
As a Noun: 1. The combination of things so that they are closely linked or so that they form one thing. English = integration. 2. A social policy that aims at bringing people from different social groups together in work, education and normal social life. English = integration. 3. An educational policy that aims to educate disadvantaged or disabled people within the normal school system, rather than in special schools. English = mainstreaming. 4. The combination of two or more things into one thing. English = merger. 5. In mathematics, the finding of an integral or intergrals. English = integration. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To combine things so that they are closely linked or so that they form one thing. English = integrate. 2. Of people, to mix people together who are from different social groups. Used especially when talking about different racial groups, or disadvantaged groups. English = integrate. 3. Of disabled people, especially deaf or hearing impaired people, to educate them within the normal school system, rather than in special schools. English = mainstream, integrate. 4. To combine two or more things into one thing. English = merge. 5. In mathematics, to perform the operation of integration. English = integrate.