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deterioration, reduction, low, decrease, reduce, turn down, deteriorate, push down

Auslan SignbankDictionary#2860 low1a
#auslan-signbank #phonology.double-handed #phonology.parallel #phonology.symmetrical
General Definition: 1. A flat surface, a quantity of something, or the top of something which is and/or becomes lower, shorter or smaller, or any thing or any object that can be associated with this in context. As a Noun: 1. The height of something which is low or small. 2. The state of getting worse and worse in condition (especially in illness), or to become more difficult or unpleasant. English = deterioration. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. Of a surface, to measure a small distance from the ground to it, or to be near the ground relative to something else; of a quantity, to be a small amount of something, to be almost empty. English = (be) low. 2. To make smaller the quantity or size of something. English = decrease, reduce. 3. To make volume of noise being produced by something less. English = turn down. 4. Of a person's mental capacities and skills, to become worse. English = deteriorate, decline. Idiomatic English = go downhill. 5. To make something go downwards so that it is lower than it was. English = push down. Interactive: 1. Used alone to urge people to sit down. English = 'Sit down!' 2. Used alone to tell an audience, class or crowd to quieten down. English = 'That's enough!', 'Quiet please!', 'Calm please!' and so on.