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computer, tape (reel-to-reel), reel-to-reel

Auslan SignbankDictionary#752 reel-to-reel
#auslan-signbank #iconicity.translucent #lexis.obsolete #phonology.double-handed #phonology.symmetrical
General Definition: 1. Of any two things, to rotate simultaneously and in the same direction, such as the two reels of an old-fashioned strip of film or computer tape, or any thing or any action that can be associated with this in context. As a Noun: 1. [Obsolete sign] an electronic machine that uses magnetic tape that can quickly make calculations, store, rearrange, and retrieve information, or control another machine. English = computer. 2. Plastic tape made in long strips and covered with a magnetic substance. It is used to record sounds, pictures, and computer information. English = magnetic tape (particularly computers); audio tape (sound only); video tape (pictures and sound).