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rubbing, washing, cleaning, polishing, scrubbing, cloth, rag, rub, wash, clean, scrub, polish, sand (use sandpaper)

Auslan SignbankDictionary#4302 rub-polish1a
#auslan-signbank #corpus.attested #iconicity.translucent #phonology.dominant-hand-only #phonology.two-handed
General Definition: 1. To hold something in your hand and move it rigourously and repeatedly across a surface, or any thing or any action that can be associated with this in context. As a Noun: 1. The act of moving your hand backwards and forwards over something, while holding a cloth and pressing firmly. English = rubbing. 2. The act of moving your hand backwards and forwards over something, while holding a cloth and pressing firmly, in order to make it clean; or to make it shine. English = washing, cleaning; polishing. 3. The act of moving your hand backwards and forwards over something, while holding a brush and pressing firmly, in order to make it clean. English = scrubbing. 4. Something soft, usually fabric, that you hold in your hand when you wash, polish or rub something. English = cloth, rag. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To move your hand backwards and forwards over something, while holding a cloth and pressing firmly . English = rub. 2. To move your hand backwards and forwards over something, while holding a cloth and pressing firmly, in order to make it clean; or to make it shine. English = wash, clean; polish. 3. To move your hand backwards and forwards over something, while holding a brush and pressing firmly, in order to make it clean. English = scrub. 4. To use sandpaper to make a surface smooth. English = sand.