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Auslan SignbankDictionary#2511 satisfy
#auslan-signbank #b92.directional #lexis.signed-english #phonology.onehand #semantic.feel
As a Noun: 1. The pleasure you feel when you do something that you wanted or needed to do. English = satisfaction. 2. The pleasant feeling you have when you have eaten enough food to no longer feel hungry, even though it would be possible to eat more. You are satisfied, but not full. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To do something at least to the extent that it makes you pleased with the result, even if more could be done, because more than the minimum has been done. English = satisfy, (be) satisfied, (be) content. 2. To eat enough food to no longer feel hungry, even though it would be possible to eat more. You are satisfied, but not full.