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service, liaison, serve, liaise

Auslan SignbankDictionary#2833 service
#auslan-signbank #iconicity.opaque #lexis.signed-english #phonology.alternating #phonology.double-handed #phonology.symmetrical #semantic.work
As a Noun: 1. Something provided to the public by a government department, organisation or system such as transport, information or help (material, monetary, or personal). English = service. 2. The process of being looked after in a shop or a restaurant by finding you products or by taking your order and bringing you food and drinks. English = service. 3. The cooperation and exchange of information between different organisations or between different sections of an organisation; or the person whose job is to provide such a service. English = liaison; liaison officer. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To provide a service, to serve. 2. Of organisations or people, to work together and to keep each other fully informed. English = liaise.