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sex, sexuality, lust, sexy, horny

Auslan SignbankDictionary#3493 sex.NTH
#auslan-signbank #lexis.regional #phonology.onehand #semantic.health #semantic.sexuality
As a Noun: 1. The physical activity which people and animals do with each other to produce offspring and/or to experience pleasure. English = sex. 2. The ability to experience sexual feelings or the behaviour associated with sex. English = sexuality. 3. A feeling of strong sexual desire for someone, especially when that involves little, if any, emotional engagement. Often used in a disapproving sense. English = lust. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To desire physical activity with someone in order to produce offspring and/or to experience pleasure. English = feel sexual, feel sexually aroused, feel sexually attracted to. Idiomatic English = have the hots. Informal English = (be) horny. 2. To have the quality of arousing sexual feelings in others. English = (be) sexy. 3. To feel a strong sexual desire for someone, especially when that involves little, if any, emotional engagement. Often used in a disapproving sense. English = lust for, lust after. 4. Feelings or activities that are connected with the act of sex or with people’s desire for sex. English = (be) sexual.