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cheat, cheating, foul play, scar, sly, cunning, cheat, playful

Auslan SignbankDictionary#3482 sly1a
#auslan-signbank #b92.directional #iconicity.opaque #lexis.signed-english #phonology.onehand #semantic.people
As a Noun: 1. A person who is clever at deceiving people, especially by planning it in advance; or a person who behaves dishonestly in order to achieve something, especially by copying other people's work in exams. English = cheat. 2. The act of behaving dishonestly in order to achieve something, especially by copying other people's work in exams or breaking rules in a game. English = cheating, foul play. 3. A cut or operation on the face, especially if it leaves a mark. English = scar. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To be clever at deceiving people, especially by planning it in advance. English = (be) sly, (be) cunning. 2. To behave dishonestly in order to achieve something, especially by copying other people's work in exams or breaking rules in a game. English = cheat, play foul. 3. To operate or make a cut on the face, especially if it leaves a scar.