As a Noun:
1. A feeling of deep sadness or the wish that you had not done something. English = sorrow.
2. The feeling and wish that you had not done something. English = regret.
As a Verb or Adjective:
1. To feel sadness, regret, or disappointment about a situation. English = (be) sorry.
2. To cause deep sadness and regret. English = (be) sorrowful.
3. To feel or wish that you had not done something. English = regret.
1. Used alone as a way of apologising to someone for something that you have done which has upset them or caused them difficulties. English = 'Sorry!', 'I'm sorry!'
2. Used alone to express your regret and sadness when you hear sad or unpleasant news. English = 'Sorry!', 'I'm sorry!'
3. Used to correct yourself when you have said something incorrect which you then go on to immediately correct. English = 'Sorry.'