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specks, speckles, spots, dots, speckled, speckle, spotted, dotted

Auslan SignbankDictionary#2259 spots1a
#auslan-signbank #morph.body-locating #morph.orientating-sign #phonology.dominant-hand-only #phonology.two-handed #semantic.shapes
As a Noun: 1. Lots of tiny little marks on a surface. English = specks, speckles. 2. Lots of tiny little round marks or shapes on a surface. English = spots, dots. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To have lots of little marks or shapes on a surface. English = (be) speckled. 2. To cover something with lots of little marks or shapes. English = speckle. 3. To have lots of little round marks or shapes on a surface, especially as a design on a fabric. English = (be) spotted, (be) dotted. Augmented Meaning: 1. The hand showing the spots can be moved anywhere around the body to show where the spots are, e.g. on your arm, on your face, on your torso, etc.