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cramp, seizure, stress (anxiety), seize, paralysed, stressed (anxious)

Auslan SignbankDictionary#1949 stress-tense
#auslan-signbank #phonology.double-handed #phonology.parallel #phonology.symmetrical #semantic.feel #semantic.health
As a Noun: 1. Of a person's body, the sudden tightening of a muscle that makes it hard or impossible to move a limb. English = cramp. 2. Of a machine or a person's body, the sudden stopping of movement because it is broken or the muscles have tightened. English = seizure. 3. The worry and tenseness you feel because of difficulties in your life. English = stress. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. Of a machine or a person's body, to stop moving suddenly because it is broken or because the muscles have tightened. English = seize up, become paralysed. 2. To feel worried and tense because of difficulties in your life. English = (be) stressed, suffer from stress.