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experience, acquisition, acquire, take in, pick up, absorb

Auslan SignbankDictionary#2288 take-in-experience
#auslan-signbank #b92.directional #iconicity.obscure #lexis.signed-english #morph.begin-directional-sign #phonology.onehand #semantic.mind
As a Noun: 1. Something that happens to you that you can feel physically but which has a particularly important psychological or intellectual impact. English = experience. 2. Things that have happened to you or that you have done before in your life. English = experiences. 3. The learning of a skill by watching and doing, especially learning to speak or sign a language by being exposed and immersed in it as a child. English = acquisition. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To undergo the feelings and sensations of a particular situation, often in a way that affects you a lot, especially psychologically or intellectually. English = experience. 2. To pay attention to a particular situation in order to remember or learn as much from it as possible. Idiomatic English = take in, pick up, absorb. 3. To learn a skill by watching and doing, especially speaking or signing a language, by being exposed and immersed in it as a child. English = acquire.