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thirst, thirsty, desire, crave, hanker, lust, randy, horny, sexy, desirable, covet

Auslan SignbankDictionary#488 thirsty1a
#auslan-signbank #b92.directional #iconicity.translucent #phonology.onehand #semantic.drink #semantic.physical-act
As a Noun: 1. The desire to drink something. English = thirst. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To have the desire to drink something. English = (be) thirsty. 2. To have the desire to have sex. English = (be) randy, (be) horny. 3. To want something very much. English = thirst after, thirst for, crave, hanker after. 4. To want someone very much in a sexual way. English = desire, lust after. Idiomatic English = (be) keen on, have the hots for, lust after.