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interruption, interference, intervention, breakthrough, interrupt, interfere, during, through, throughout, intervene

Auslan SignbankDictionary#2960 through1a
#auslan-signbank #iconicity.obscure #lexis.signed-english #morph.directional-sign #morph.locational-and-directional #phonology.dominant-hand-only #phonology.two-handed
As a Noun: 1. Something which temporarily prevents an activity from continuing. English = interruption. 2. The act of trying to influence or become involved in a situation although it does not really concern you. English = interference. 3. The act of interfering in a situation in which you were not originally involved in. English = intervention. 4. An important development or achievement. English = breakthrough. As a Verb or Adjective: 1. To say or sign something that causes someone who is talking or signing to pause or stop. English = interrupt, break into a conversation. 2. To try to influence or become involved in a situation although it does not really concern you. English = interfere. Informal English = butt into. 3. To interfere in a situation in which you were not originally involved in. English = intervene. 4. To go through, pass through or break through some kind of barrier or impediment. As Modifier: 1. Used between a verb and a sign for a period of time or an event to mean the action being talked about happens continuously or several times in that period. English = during, through, throughout.