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cunt, pussy, beaver, snatch, vagina, (female) genitals

Auslan SignbankDictionary#3827 vagina.L
#auslan-signbank #iconicity.translucent #lexis.crude #phonology.double-handed #phonology.symmetrical #semantic.sexuality
As a Noun: 1. The outer part of a woman's sexual organ. Technical English = vulva, pudendum. Formal English = vagina. Informal vulgar English = cunt. Informal slang English = pussy, beaver, snatch. 2. The passage that connects a woman's outer sex organs to her womb. Formal English = vagina. Informal vulgar English = cunt. 3. The sexual organs of a woman. Formal English = genitals. Interactive: 1. Can be used alone to show how much you hate or despise the person you direct the sign towards. Used especially in English-like forms of Auslan. A very offensive sign. English = 'You cunt!'