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window, windowpane, pane of glass, glass (material)

Auslan SignbankDictionary#3074 window1a
#auslan-signbank #lexis.signed-english #morph.orientating-sign #phonology.dominant-hand-only #phonology.double-handed #semantic.furniture
General Definition: 1. A screen-like opening and closing device or any thing or any action that can be associated with this in a given context. As a Noun: 1. A space in a wall or roof or in the side of a vehicle, often with glass in it so that light can pass through it and people can see through it. English = window. 2. A flat sheet of glass in a window or a door. English = windowpane, pane, pane of glass 3. A hard transparent substance that windows and bottles are made from. English = glass.